Monday, January 05, 2009

Predictions for the New Year: Hot off the Press (not)

With a new year comes a new set of prognostications from the experts. Here is one of my favorites from emarketer.

While the predictions were published today "hot off the press", the news inside is that the presses are increasing cold. More frigid than the view off my back deck. Frosty even!

As a postscript to my blog post from 11/2006 "Election Results are Coming In" which highlighted the single digit readership losses for major newspapers over a brief 6 month period... the emarketer stats highlight continued double digit revenue losses in 2009.

While newspapers and other traditional media are losing ground in this economy, online is slowing but still growing. I'll take it.

Look for these tight-fisted economic times to accelerate the flow of money online -- for increased buying power vs. traditional media and for more accountability and effectiveness. Search is still growing by double digits. Also, no big surprise: coupon sites are leading the way as consumers look for every discount available.