Thursday, February 22, 2007

Did You Know?

The media file linked above is a good mind-expander. Much of this information came from The World Is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman.

Please take a few minutes to absorb this and contemplate:

1) How will marketing and advertising change in this new world?

2) What core skills are needed to compete in this future?

3) How will I alter my approach to marketing in light of this?

I'd love to hear your comments.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Time Magazine's new pitch

This banner ad for speaks to what magazines and newspapers need to do to win in the digital age.

Time "Imagine if we came out 4,000 times a week What's important. Right now."

Time magazine is well known for covering topics in depth in a weekly printed magazine, but needs to position its website as leveraging its editorial and reporting prowess into a constantly updating online media outlet. What a great idea.

Instead of sitting there wringing hands over plummeting print circulation they are embracing the Internets' strengths, and positioning themselves to run parallel outputs until consumer tastes shift more prominently. They'll cross that bridge when they come to it.

At some point in the future (2027?), receiving a weekly printed magazine in the postal mail will be so special and expensive that people will shell out good money for the privilege. This will be akin to the feeling you now get when you receive a Hallmark card. It's special.

Until then, Time and others need to continue to leverage their core strengths: Editorial and Brand.